
Our next presentation will be The Ballad of Joseph K, an original piece inspired by Franz Kafka's novel The Trial with music written and performed live by Thunder in the Valley. Hopefully you fondly remember our production of "The Trial" from April 2005. We have always longed to further explore a play after first producing it and now we are taking the opportunity to do just that by further developing "The Ballad of Joseph K."
The play has been in development for over a year and will be ready to perform in the Spring of 2008. We welcome your involvement in the development process. We are undertaking a series of four day workshops to develop the music, the script and the puppeteering techniques for the play. A final evening rehearsal of each workshop will be open to the public where we hope to get feedback from you, our friends, the audience invited to these previews.
Thus here is the
to the first two final evenings of the open rehearsal workshops of The Ballad of Joseph K:
7:30pm Thursday June 14 and Friday July 20, 2007
In the basement of The Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut
Produced by Max Samson’s Mask & Puppet Theatre
Directed by Rob Goodman, First Stage Children’s Theatre
Adapted/written by John Schneider
Music written & performed by Minneapolis’ Thunder in the Valley
The script, music, and puppetry are currently in the development process. We are interested in your feedback and reactions so please join us for the rehearsal, settle back afterwards for some refreshments, and an informal discussion. Let us know what you think!
To Contact Milwaukee Mask & Puppet Theatre, please click here |